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DIE LANGE BANK Installation auf der Hauptwache
From primitive hut to skyscraper
A journey through architectural historyThe DAM’s permanent exhibition on the second floor of the museum boasts Germany’s most comprehensive collection of panoramic models on architectural history. 24 largescale models impressively illustrate the evolution of the environment as shaped by humans.
Competition Invitation: DAM Architectural Book Award 2021
Die Frankfurter Buchmesse und das Deutsche Architekturmuseum (DAM) loben auch 2021 wieder den internationalen DAM Architectural Book Award aus.
Gesucht: die 50 besten Einfamilienhäuser sowie die besten Produkte
Zum elften Mal verleiht das Deutsche Architekturmuseum den Award „Häuser des Jahres“ gemeinsam mit seinen Partnern, dem Callwy Verlag, dem IVD (Immobilienverband Deutschland IVD Bundesverband der Immobilienberater, Makler, Verwalter und Sachverständigen e.V.), dem Architekturmagazin "Baumeister", "Das Ideale Heim / Atrium", architektur.aktuell, dem ORF und "werk, bauen + wohnen". Eine hochkarätige Jury wählt dabei aus rund 200 Einsendungen die 50 besten Einfamilienhäuser aus.
DAM Preis 2021: The Finalists are anounced
The finalist group of the DAM Preis 2021 consists of four projects from the fields of housing, culture and education, work and leisure. Some of them are hybrid buildings that fulfill several of these functions simultaneously.
Residential Tower ‘Norra Tornen’ in Stockholm wins the International Highrise Award 2020
The final of the International Highrise Award (IHP) 2020 has been decided: The winner of the competition for the world’s most innovative high-rise is the ‘Norra Tornen’ twin towers project in Stockholm/Sweden designed by the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)...
Plan. Work. City.
The DAM for kids and young peopleThe DAM’s education program offers children, schoolchildren, and adults access to architectural topics in a playful and practical way. We want to accompany children and young people into the world of architecture, and that begins on their own doorstep. The diversity of the topic makes it possible to connect to the lifeworld of our young guests and to introduce them to building culture and design possibilities.
Digital model collection
Digital archiveThe Deutsches Architekturmuseum has a large and international collection of testimonials of important architects, mostly from the 20th century, which is constantly expanding. Around 50 works archives, prebends and estates, were handed over to the DAM, which owns more than 200,000 plans and drawings, about 35,000 photographs and about 1,300 models, a significant international collection. The architectural model collection with works by Rem Koolhaas, Frei Otto, Rob Krier, Aldo Rossi, Oswald Mathias Ungers a.o., is one of the most important in the world.