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DAM On Tour in Bad Aibling: Die Neue Heimat (1950-1982)
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DIE LANGE BANK Installation auf der Hauptwache
From primitive hut to skyscraper
A journey through architectural historyThe DAM’s permanent exhibition on the second floor of the museum boasts Germany’s most comprehensive collection of panoramic models on architectural history. 24 largescale models impressively illustrate the evolution of the environment as shaped by humans.
International High-Rise Award 2022/23 In the jubilee year: projects from four continents in the final for the world’s best high-rise
The finalists of this year's International High-Rise Award (IHA) have been determined. The jury selected five buildings from Asia, Australia, Europe and North America from a total of 34 nominated high-rise buildings from 13 countries. In making its selection, the jury focused on the buildings' responsibility for the environment and future generations. In this year, the award is being conferred for the tenth time.
International High-Rise Award 2022/23: 34 High-Rise Projects Nominated Globally
The buildings nominated for the International High-Rise Award 2022/23 have now been announced. Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) has selected them from more than 1,000 new high-rises worldwide dating from the past two years. In autumn, the five finalists will be...
Urbanes Reallabor „Wohnzimmer Hauptwache 2022“
Projektideen der Frankfurter Bürgerinnen und Bürgern für die Hauptwache gibt es erfreulicherweise viele: Der „Open Call for Participation“ zur temporären Nutzung und Gestaltung im Zusammenhang mit dem urbanen Reallabor „Wohnzimmer Hauptwache 2022“ war ein großer Erfolg und zeigte eine gute Resonanz.
Die Nominierten für den DAM Preis 2023 stehen fest!
Insgesamt sind 116 Projekte auf der Longlist: 102 Bauten in Deutschland und weitere 14 Bauten als Export, von Architekturbüros in Deutschland geplante Auslandsbauten.
Plan. Work. City.
The DAM for kids and young peopleThe DAM’s education program offers children, schoolchildren, and adults access to architectural topics in a playful and practical way. We want to accompany children and young people into the world of architecture, and that begins on their own doorstep. The diversity of the topic makes it possible to connect to the lifeworld of our young guests and to introduce them to building culture and design possibilities.
Digital model collection
Digital archiveThe Deutsches Architekturmuseum has a large and international collection of testimonials of important architects, mostly from the 20th century, which is constantly expanding. Around 50 works archives, prebends and estates, were handed over to the DAM, which owns more than 200,000 plans and drawings, about 35,000 photographs and about 1,300 models, a significant international collection. The architectural model collection with works by Rem Koolhaas, Frei Otto, Rob Krier, Aldo Rossi, Oswald Mathias Ungers a.o., is one of the most important in the world.