PAULSKIRCHE. Demokratie, Debatte, Denkmal
Frankfurter Paulskirche Frankfurt / M., Hessen, DeutschlandDie Frankfurter Paulskirche gilt als eines der wichtigsten Demokratiedenkmale Deutschlands. US-Präsident John F. Kennedy betonte hier während seiner Deutschlandreise 1963, dass „kein anderes Gebäude in Deutschland begründeten Anspruch auf den Ehrentitel der ‚Wiege der deutschen Demokratie‘ erheben“ kann.
ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE, REVISITED Comparing European theatres, operas and concert halls
DAM OstendWhat will stages look like in the future? Which shapes can these central places of collective cultural encounter take? What will opera houses and theatres have to offer as places of public life in the future?
BEST HIGH-RISES. International High-Rise Award 2024/25
Museum Angewandte Kunst Schaumainkai 17, Frankfurt / M., Hessen, DeutschlandThe International Highrise Award 2024/25 presents a selection of current highrise buildings from all over the world according to the following criteria: future-oriented design, functionality, innovative building technology,
integration into the urban fabric, sustainability, and economic feasibility.
DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum Schaumainkai 43, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, DeutschlandSports is community. Be it playing football in your local club on a downtown
pitch or watching a game in the stadium or taking part in a group fitness
workout in a park. Sports is a crucial element fostering togetherness and
coexistence in today’s urban society. For some years now the trend has been
visible everywhere in cities: Public parkland and open spaces are gaining
a new importance for sports and movement, and not just for street workouts.