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Böhm 100: Set of Postcards

Nine sights of the Wallfahrtskirchte “Maria, Königin des Friedens” as set of postcards with a banderole.

The Pilgrimage Church in Neviges is being presented more comprehensively than ever before in a highly concentrated exhibition staged around the DAM’s Auditorium. The church is one of the most important works by Gottfried Böhm, who won the cherished Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1986. Innovative maintenance work is currently being conducted on the concrete of the Brutalist edifice. The archive of Gottfried Böhm’s project plans has been part of the DAM Collection since 2004.

Böhm will celebrate his 100th birthday on January 23, 2020.

This set of postcards can also be purchased from the museum ticket office for € 5.


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Further Publications

Roland Burgard: Das Museumsufer Frankfurt

Roland Burgard: Das Museumsufer Frankfurt

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Radical Antiquitiy – Heinz Bienefeld’s Villas and Churches

Radical Antiquitiy – Heinz Bienefeld’s Villas and Churches

The publication in German and English accompanying the exhibition focuses on the new photographs of the models and buildings, supplemented by examples of the planning materials on show. Two essays explore Bienefeld’s architecture.

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Peter Kulka – Minimalismus und Sinnlichkeit / Minimalism and Sensuality

Peter Kulka – Minimalismus und Sinnlichkeit / Minimalism and Sensuality

von Yorck Förster, Wolfgang Pehnt, Werner Strodthoff, Jürgen Tietz
Gebundene Ausgabe: 272 Seiten
ISBN-130: 978-3932565489
Abmessungen: 25.55 x 2.84 x 30.63 cm
Herausgeber: Edition Axel Menges
Sprache: Englisch

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Paulskirche – A Political Story of Architecture

Paulskirche – A Political Story of Architecture

Edited by Maximilan Liesner, Philipp Sturm, Peter Cachola Schmal and Philip Kurz av edition, Stuttgart 27 x 19, 5 cm, 160 pages ISBN 978-3-89986-315-4 (deutsch/english) Available at the museum shop for EUR 29,– Available in bookstores for EUR...

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