Everything is architecture

Current exhibitions
From primitive hut to skyscraper
A journey through architectural historyThe DAM’s permanent exhibition on the second floor of the museum boasts Germany’s most comprehensive collection of panoramic models on architectural history. 24 largescale models impressively illustrate the evolution of the environment as shaped by humans.


Current events
Architecture prizes
DAM Preis
Since 2007 the DAM Preis has annually honored outstanding buildings in Germany. The award has been bestowed by Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) in close cooperation with our partner JUNG since 2017. As part of the selection procedure by jury, 100 structures are initially nominated, regardless of their type, size, and construction costs. A shortlist of projects is drawn up at the first jury session. A selection of out-of-competition structures by German architects abroad is also made. The jury selects and subsequently visits the finalists’ projects, from which the winner is chosen.
International Highrise Award (IHA)
The International Highrise Award has been awarded by the City of Frankfurt/Main every two years since 2004. It was initiated jointly in 2003 by the City of Frankfurt together with Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) and DekaBank, since when it has been organized and financed in partnership and cooperation between DAM and DekaBank. The International Highrise Award is bestowed on a structure that combines exemplary sustainability, appearance and interior quality, not to mention urban design and social aspects, to produce an ideal design. The architects and developers jointly receive the prize – a statuette by the internationally renowned artist Thomas Demand and €50,000 in prize money.

Housing for all
Frankfurt/Main is one of the German hotspots for property prices that are rising at an above-average speed. New housing financed on the open market is often offered at prices that even middle-class buyers find it hard to afford. The shortfall in subsidized housing that has accumulated over the decades and the loss of existing subsidized properties are particularly discernible here, too. With the HOUSING FOR ALL competition, the City of Frankfurt/Main, Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM), and ABG FRANKFURT HOLDING are jointly responding to these challenges. With a specific construction site in mind, examples of residential buildings are presented that aspire to represent a combination of economic cost pressure and innovative residential and architectural quality. The question is also addressed as to how the residential projects can result in vibrant, functionally and socially mixed quarters.
Herausgebeben von Paul Andreas, Karen Jung und Peter Cachola Schmal Erschienen bei DOM Publishers 135 × 245 mm 440 Seiten 800 Abbildungen Softcover ISBN 978-3-86922-722-1 Im Museumsshop erhältlich für 14,– EUR Im Buchhandel...
UNESCO WELTERBE — Eine Deutschlandreise
Paul Andreas, Karen Jung, Peter Cachola Schmal (Hrsg.) Erschienen im Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg 2013, deutsche ODER englische Ausgabe Mit Beiträgen von Birgitta Ringbeck, Hanno Rauterberg, Hubertus Adam, Wolfgang Bachmann, Ira Mazoni, Wolfgang Pehnt u.a. 264 Seiten, mit...
ÜBERSPANNEND — Frankfurter Brücken für Kinder
Welche ist die längste Brücke in Frankfurt? Und wie halten so lange Brücken überhaupt? Welche ist die älteste Brücke in Frankfurt? ... Diese und viele weitere Fragen werden in „ÜBERSPANNEND. Frankfurter Brücken für Kinder“ beantwortet. In diesem Buch wird eine Auswahl von 20 Frankfurter Brücken vorgestellt – eine Art Architekturführer für Kinder.
TV-Towers – Fernsehtürme
Das Buch zeigt nicht nur die architektonische und konstruktive Rekordjagd des Größer, Höher und Weiter, die mit Fernsehtürmen ausgetragen wird, sondern erläutert die Türme aus ihrem gesellschaftlichen und politischen Kontext. Denn kein Gebäudetyp zeigt seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ein so großes Verlangen nach gesellschaftlicher, wirtschaftlicher oder politischer Symbolik.