Henschelstr. 18
60314 Frankfurt am Main
Opening hours
Tue, Thurs, Fri 12-6 pm
Wed 12-7 pm
Sat, Sun 11-6 pm
Mo closed
Special opening hours
Open on all public holidays from 11 am to 5 pm
except on December 24 + 25 + January 1 (closed)
Postal Adress
Hedderichstraße 108-110
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Admission DAM: EUR 5,–
Admission DAM reduced: EUR 3,–
Admission for refugees (with proof): EUR 1,-
T +49 (0)69 – 212 388 44
Information & Service

The FAQ contains the most important questions and answers. Do not hesitate to contact us!

Regular admission is 5 euros, reduced 3 euros and 1 euro for refugees. Groups are requested to register in advance.

Directions & your visit
The DAM Ostend is located in Henschelstraße, close to the Ostbahnhof. It is preferably accessible by public transport or bicycle.
Parking is available along Henschelstrasse or Ostparkstrasse, as well as in the Rewe multi-storey car park on Ostbahnhofstrasse and in the Hotel Hampton on Grusonstrasse.
There is a visitors’ car park in front of DAM Ostend.
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Guided tours

Public tours
The public tours on the weekend through the current exhibitions are free.

Individual tours
Group tours and private tours can be booked directly with Yorck Förster.
Cultural café with a great view of the river
The Café im DAMLounge in large armchairs and gaze at the river going by. Avidly discuss the latest exhibition. Browse through architectural books, newspapers and magazines. Enjoy homemade cakes, regional produce and special types of coffee. Chill out on the patio in summer to a cool glass of white – against the backdrop of the Frankfurt skyline. A warm welcome to the Café im DAM!

Museum shop

Museum shop
In our museum shop you will receive the exhibition catalogs of the DAM as well as selected architectural publications.